
Golden Milk & Honey Latte: 5 Reasons to Drink Up This Cold/Flu Season (Recipe Inside)

Golden Milk & Honey Latte:
5 Reasons to drink up this cold and flu season

Golden Milk! I can easily say that it is hands down on of my most favorite drinks that I have consumed to date. When I stumbled across this hidden gem a few years ago,  I wasn’t sure I would even allow myself to try it but if it wasn’t for my addiction to all things “golden”  I don’t think that I actually would have.  See, at the time I was beginning my studies as an Ayurvedic healer and turmeric, being its main ingredient, was the lesson at hand.  My teacher spoke great exasperated words, far more lengthier and expressive than my opening to this post, spoke very highly of this amazing concoction.  Outside of the golden attraction I had to it, I knew it would serve me well to try it for myself before suggesting or serving it to my clients -to-be  And quite obviously I fell in LOVE!

So let’s talk about turmeric a bit here.  Turmeric is a super powerful powder that is grown in the forest of India and parts of Asia and is known as a literal Holy herb for all the amazing things it has been known to aid and to heal in the human body. For centuries, native herbalist, medicine men/women and the like have prescribed and used the herb to treat ailments like joint pins, memory loss and to detox an ill body.  Even the big hitting dis-eases like diabetes and cancer have been known to go toe -to-toe with its medicinal capabilities. 

In the most recent years, american scientist had no clue how this spice was able to do what it does for us.  Studies have concluded that when the Curcumin Longa powder is ingested it ” insert themselves into cell membranes and make the membranes more stable and orderly in a way that increases cells’ resistance to infection”.  This means that it provides our cells a new dynamic force field so it can TKO those germs, microbes and viruses.  At the time of this writing, our world is experiencing a massive health shift and awareness nd it is my hopes that this article and recipe will provide you something to help you manage through or stay ahead of illness.

Top 5 Reasons You Should Drink Up On Golden Milk

#1 - It's Immune Boosting

The amazing turmeric root has proven that it can gradually boost your immunity against the dreaded cold and flu.  We all know that its always better to prepare ourselves rather than go through it so if you want to stop those germs at the door this is just the stuff you need.  But as you will see the golden recipe has many ingredients that help you stand against the tides of the season. In fact, all together they are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-flammatory, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant.  Whew.  That should do I should’ve just stopped at top one reason but I have a few more reasons to go.  You see, all these aforementioned benefits are not frequently found all in one place so therefore this blend is REALLY something worth trying and keeping to build up your bodies  defenses against those dark germy forces.

#2 - It's Mucus Fighting

This Internationally loved combo is wonderful at fighting back and thinning out mucus.  Our bodies create mucus to help catch germs but often we get so much built up in our body that it causes massive congestion.  Thus often leading to clogging our respiratory and sinus systems.  The anti-inflammatory ingredients help to clear out and break down the mucus that is in our body.  This promotes a healthier balance in our natural functionality and allows our body to gather and excrete more swiftly so we can get back to being our beautiful selves.  

#3 - It's A Digestive Superhero

It is said that our gut (digestive system) is the core of our well-being and the center of our health.  So therefore if your digestion is low or poor you will likely have issues with warding off those “cooties” or be able to keep your health in tact.  The magical properties of all the spices et al (particularly the turmeric ginger and cloves as  they are very antimicrobial elements) will give you the fleeting chance of health by building a fortress  around the cellular walls of your digestive arena.  It is this protective stand  that is always the truest first line of our bodies natural defenses.

#4 - It's Mood Enhancing

As an antidepressant, this mystical milk has been known to uplift moods.  But how does that help you fight a cold you say??  Well love, our mood affects our health and wellness tremendously.  Many studies have shown that when moods and feelings are high our bodies kick into a sort of superhuman mode and produces dopamine which in turn activates other enhancing hormones.  When we feel good — we feel hopeful, we smile, we laugh and even dance and all of these singularly are powerful to our healing and whole well being.  So, keeping high vibes and moods most definitely count and are super important to the bigger picture.

#5 - It's Just Plain Delicious

So Yeah….it’s just plain and simple delicious.  Meaning once cold and flu season has flown away you may still want to have a cup or two in your day and that is really okay!  Over time I am sure you will see other benefits come to exist for your body and love it just as much as I do. Keep on reading below for the recipe and when you finally make youse a cup, share it with your friends and come back and talk about it with me in the comments below or in the Goddess Harmony Facebook group.

Golden Milk & Honey Latte Recipe

The Ingredients

Khepra El

Blog Author | Spiritual Guide | Intuitive life Coach

Thank You for Taking the Time to Read this Post.  May you find it helpful, useful and shareable with the ones that you Love…


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